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All workshops are accredited with Fitness Australia and Physical Activity Australia and will contribute CECs or PDPs towards your registration renewal.


Face to Face Learning Only

Our philosophy is that learning in the fitness industry is best done hands on in a practical sense. Thats why we specialise in and only offer face to face teaching with no online component. 


Want to offer in-house training for your PT team?

The Personal Training Workshop Company will come to you and deliver any one of our workshops.  Minimum spend conditions apply.


Need an alternative date?

The Personal Training Workshop Company offers alternative dates to those who can’t make a scheduled workshop. 


One on One Workshops!!

One on one workshops and two on one workshops were introduced in 2015 and really took off. Trainers really get more out of a private session. They get to ask more questions and Dale is really able to pay more attention to technique and theory.


Group Workshops

Workshops are delivered at the Caulfield campus, Melbourne which has a fully equipped gym and classroom to ensure a positive learning experience.


Click on the course below to view more detailed information on the workshop...


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